Best Bitcoin Miner Software

Bitcoin Miner

One of the best choices for mining Bitcoin on Windows 10 would be to use Bitcoin Miner. This software has a very easy-to-use interface, which makes it a perfect choice for new miners, who are only getting started. Too many other solutions come with a bit more complex interface that assumes that you already have some experience, so if that is not the case — this is the miner for you.

It also comes with a number of other features, such as a power-saving mode, which is a great thing to have, considering how expensive BTC mining can be, especially when it comes to electricity use. Then, there is also mining pool support, as well as fast share submission.


Our next choice for the best bitcoin miner app for Windows 10 is CGMiner, which is probably one of the best-known, as well as the most commonly used software among the members of the Bitcoin mining community.

One big reason for this is the fact that CGMiner is created on the original code of CPU Miner. Thanks to this, CGMiner is one of the most feature-rich options that you will ever find.


If you are looking for the best mining software for Mac, look no further than MacMiner. This particular solution is the first mining software native to the Mac system, which makes it run perfectly on your macOS device. With ‘Mac’ being in the name, there is no doubt whether or not this software will work on your device, or if it will continue to support it.

The MacMiner software is pretty easy to understand and use, and the app allows you to run the backend in the terminal. Its main focus is on mining Bitcoin, although that is not all, as it can also mine Litecoin just as easily, which gives you an additional option.


Next, we have MultiMiner, which is probably one of the most beginner-friendly mining software that you will find. It is also quite compatible, which allows you to install it and run it on basically any OS, which includes Windows, Linux, and of course, macOS itself.

So, if you wish to mine Bitcoin with your Mac, then MultiMiner is probably one of your best options. It is very powerful, but also very simple, and it should satisfy all of your mining needs pretty easily.


Mining Bitcoin is already going to be an expensive process, at least in the initial period, until you find your way around and start receiving proper rewards for your work. This is why you need to find a way to cut the costs wherever you can, and the best way to do so would be to use free miners, where BFGminer stands out as one of the best options.

BFGminer is available on Windows, Mac, or Linux, which makes it a pretty great option for those using any of the three systems. It is completely free, although it should be noted that it was designed for ASICs and FPGA, and that graphics card mining is not supported.